Journeying Through the CBR Trenches

It was the start of January, and me and my group members voyaged on to an unforgettable experience. Firstly, we began with brainstorming the general plan executing our research. In here, it would be me being documented rattling my brain on what to do with our methodology. 

Then during this time, I also began working on the possible questions to give to our interviewee for our study. I first formulated those questions on paper, specifically on a notebook. Then I transferred it through MS word. Making sure that our questions were comprehendable enough for our interviewee to answer with ease

Additionally, our group leader, Miss CastaƱeda introduced the basic outlook on how are research is going to look like. Parading us to the essential sections, and what tasks we would be given.

After this, we took a meeting as a group. Sharing our ideas that could possibly be a step towards accomplishing our goal of finishing our Community Based Research.

Then, we visited the town of Tamorong, Sta. Catalina. Ensuring that we would be behaved especially towards the locals. In here, we investigated the different venues of MRFs in the Barangay, examining their abundance throughout the area.

Moreover, we learnt a valuable piece of knowledge while in Tamoring, Sta. Catalina. It was the existence of a Central Material Recovery Facility. A facility in which it collects all the other wastes, most especially material wastes from the Barangay.

Then I finally interviewed the needed personnel to conduct our study. He was 
Mr. Gregorio Rabena a Barangay Kagawad who knew the back and forths regarding the Barangay's system, most especially the environmental aspects of the Barangay.

Finally, I also have to share my experience with coding. To me, it was a highly valuable experience, by retaining knowledge once foreign to me. By exploring CSS as a coding language, I'd have more experiences I'll always carry out. Things such as the style tag really fascinated me at the time of coding my par of the Webpage. I had learn it from scratch to be able to fully understand it.


  1. Very good post, I love it. Especially the way you construct your essay and your deep vocabulary words.

  2. Your journey was truly amazing.


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