Metaphorsis: A Transition for Change
Metamorphosis, a transition in habits and physical form of an animal after going through a phase of development and rebirth. The most well known example of this are caterpillars conversion to butterflies, marking change towards beauty and elegance. It's as if the animal has completely changed from one creature to another. Similarly, us humans, once we have reflected on our past and wanting to go through a process of tranformation. It is less of a biological but rather a psychological change to us people in which we attempt to correct and rectify our actions and habits over the years.Where we humans personally mature and develop. Yet our change from one form to another may not invoke gracefulness as compared to those of butterflies, where our effort to transform may not be so successful. However, I'd argue the beauty behind us humans own form of metamorphosis is the endeavour we take for it, while we may even fail in the process. Where the path to our personal victory may be unclear, but we are willing to stand in the face of adversities. As the festive mood melts away, and the joyous and cheery celebrations of December finally has gone for the dull and moody January to settle in. Which now marks a new year while also a new me!
For this year, I'd like to be more responsible as a person. Over my life's academic
trajectory, I always had the trademark "Due Today? Do tomorrow!". A habit in which long lasting effects have already taken in play. A habit that got so bad, it has now been difficult to remove it from my system. Ever since the start of 9th grade, each grading period, each month, week and day, I always have tried to ingrain in my head to finally change myself especially passing my performance outputs, yet to this day, I still fear that I'm incapable to do so. However, this year I wholeheartedly plan to change that, to metamorphosize into a student that takes pride in his academic discipline. But, it would be an extremely rigorous process, firstly, I'd try to have a change of habits, slowly but surely I'd try integrate practices that would aid me in earlier submissions of tasks, such as doing it as soon as the teacher has instructed what to do. Another is to keep on reading, I always had trouble when it came to formulating ideas, but through reading, I'd maybe have a chance to quickly develop ideas when it came making my assignments. And finally, is to have a little bit more faith, more to myself and abilities and especially more to God, the direction where my life is headed is all up to him.
While I cannot guarantee that ny transformation would have a hint of elegance to it. I cannot guarantee it would be highly successful, where I can call myself a student guided by diligence. Heck, I can't even guarantee that I may even change at all. But, I can guarantee this—while I embark on this journey of this year long metamorphosis, I can guarantee future lessons that I will learn that'll stick to me, mistakes I shall soon make amends to, and adversities that won't keep me down.
Image References:
Brittanica (2024)
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