As we end off my 2nd quarter journey ICT, I had a lot of things to learn, and predominantly, this was the basic unit of websites being HTML tags. Me and my classmates learned the basics of utilizing HTML tags. Creating simple arrticles, manipulating character attributes, font size, tables, frames and so much more. Getting more and more used to dealing with HTML coding and how it works. Uasge of HTML tags that we will carry on in our minds as we go on with our lives.

   The first thing we learned about is container tags and stand alone tags. With container tags needing two other kinds of tags, being the start tag and end tag; the start tag indicates where the effect will start and the end tag will indicate where the effect of the tag will end, normally indicated by a slash( / ). To indicate there is the presence of an HTML tag, one will use the angle brackets(>,<), so examples of container tags is <i>, </i>, <u>,</u>, <b>,</b>,etc. Then the stand alone tags, they are tags that doesn't need end tags, bht rather can stand on their own, common examples of thus is the <br> which breaks space and <hr> which stretches out a horizontal line. This are just a few examples of the things we have learnt, we also learned about how to create tables, frames, making links from text or images and a lot more. 

   There is so much more to learn, we learnt so much in the span of almost 2 months, yet we still have more to discover. This is such a wide topic to grasp, lessons that would stretch out for months if we learned all that there is to learn. The lessons we learned in ICT 10 quarter 2 taught us to stay disciplined when doing our tasks, making sure that we stay steady when learning about the different HTML tags. So that these topics that we learned would stay with us, because we'll never know when to apply them.


Codingal (July 13, 2023)    https://www.codingal.com/resources/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/h1.png

Tutorials Point (2023) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/images/html_basic_tags.jpg



  1. very demure and very mindful piece!


  2. Good Job! great work with your blog.

  3. Amazing post! You did a great job in the second quarter. Keep it up!

  4. Nice journey! But next time make your title more engaging:))

  5. Great post! It's always refreshing to see the fundamentals of HTML being highlighted. I appreciated the examples you provided, your explanations make it clear how these elements work together. Keep up the great work!!


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