Digitalized Growth
This School Year is almost 75% complete, and the thorn by my side strikes again. The bottomless heart of a sloth, which had me on its tight relentless grip. I am still unable to escape the escapades of its nature. However, I have no one to blame but myself, the consequences of my lazy attitude is only indebted towards me. However in this 3rd Quarter of computerized activities, I have learnt topics across different learning areas, including stuff like coding while dealing web page designing, along the lines of Cascading Style Sheet or better known as CSS. Which has deeply helped me through structured discipline, and developing myself, by integrating a rigorous activity like coding.
I also learnt various lessons such as the significance of proper collaboration and teamwork. Retaining values with my Community Based Research(CBR) teammates, Kathleen, Avril and Gerchelle. Our journey in this quarter started out with Ma'am Evelyn's implementation of the essential tasks to be done, the CBR . We conducted this research from December till January, and in the span of those two(2) months, we earned lessons that we will forever ingrain at the back of our heads. During our research-based adventure, conducting our study in a lively yet meaningful manner. We looked for possible opportunities to at least have fun in spite of the challenges we have encountered. In some of the setbacks that hindered our process, I tried to consider them as a lesson which could further help me in succeeding activities. Things such as failure in collaboration that may have been caused by miscommunication, limited time, and technical difficulties. When meeting these problems in a future activity, I'll at least be more knowledgeable and be able to implement strategies to combat them in succeeding activities.
Additionally, I also deepened my understanding of CSS and Webpage designing. At first I
was completely dumbfounded when my classmates mention this acronym "CSS". I learned about the style tag, in which how it can subsequesntly manipulate the attributes of certain characters and elements in a webpage. Attribute manipulators such as the font-family, font-weight, text-indent or font-color. My experiental voyage through webpage design and Community Based Research has been an influential stepping stool on broadening my knowledge of different expertise.
Overall, I'd think that my journey for the 3rd quarter has been a semi-success, besides the "thorn by my side". Even with the troubled exeperiences, I was still able to overcome them through a steel will and a "never-say-never" go to attitude. Reeling in irreplacable experiences I'll always keep.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, Sabhaya(2024), LinkedIn
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