For a Philppines That Will Protect Its Tomorrow

     Why do grown-ups harm those who has no power? Those who cannot defend themselves. Are they so heartless that they wouldn't even think twice when harming children? Every November, the Philippines observes National Children’s Month to emphasize the importance of children’s rights and welfare. In 2024, the theme, “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines,” serves as both a rallying call and a reminder of the urgent need to address violence against children in all its forms. For them to no longer face the tragedy of abuse nor neglect.

  Foundation of not only this country's future, but also this planet's destined tomorrow, that is the youth. They will be the North Star which will lead the world in times of innovation but also hardships. Rightfully called to be the inheritors of the world, and will mold the current norms our society has. They will light up our technological advancements with their innovative and bright minds. However, the acts of domestic violence are still rampant, adults abuse and exploit children who has in no way fighting back. Children especially at a young age must be carefully guided and taught. They should be given lessons, values and most of all love and adorement, not fists, bruises and blood. Childhood is the most significant period to a persons growth and development, yet, millions of children still experience violence and abuse today. Experiencing sexual, physical, emotional and mental harm that will stick with them till they grow up to be adults. Enveloping them with unforgettable scars and bruises that will leave them reminders of their troubled past. 

  Thus, protecting children of today will ensure a well tomorrow. So we ask each and every individual - men, women, rich, poor, to each filipino and even to the foreigners, I ask you as a filipino, a part of the youth, and as a human being to make testament, a stand that will safeguard the rights and welfare of children.

The Council Of Europe (2024)

Your Dost (February, 2016)


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