What I want to earnestly do

   Lien Dixzel Quindag Alconcel, that was the name of the boy, who's birth was unplanned. Yet his parents (Mr. Engelbert Alconcel and Mrs. Lilibeth Alconcel) did everything they could to nurture and nourish this bright young boy. This boy was one of the two sons of these couple. All of them lived in a nice middle class besides the creek of Pantay Tanurong within the municipality of Caoayan. As he grew older, his parents realised his immense prowess in logical Mathematics! The explorative Science! And the communicative English! Yet these prominence came with a defect. That amazing young boy thought that he could be the most outstanding without lifting a book, putting in only the bare minimum. And yet he did became the best, until he went to highschool, where his effortlessness came with consequences. As I enter highschool, topics became more complex, activities became more tedious andtests needed more brain power to take. Even though, I still became the most outstanding in 8th grade. However, in Grade 9, tasks were more rigorous, recitation became more of a must. Everytime I get called out to recite and answer, it would feel like a thousand needles prickling up my thighs to my urine filled bladder. And writing in those subjects were difficult to handle. Everytime I reached out my hand to my brain for an idea, it felt like reaching my hand out to an abyss. Ideas are blank, unable to form a paragraph and my mind in a void-like state. So I would put them off and procrastinate. Eventually, until my name got called out. I thought of nothing of it at first, but my parents eventually found out. " A brain accelerating like a falcon but has a sloth residing beside its heart" is how I would reiterate my parents own words towards me. They felt dissapointed. And I never wanted that. So I promised myself to strive the hardest. Sharpen my eloquence in English and Filipino till my tongue turns to silver. Read my lessons critically leaving no stone unturned. Pass my tasks even before the deadline! And never settle for less than a perfect score. So I can truly show to my parents they do not need to worry. 


 After all of this, I seek to be the best of the best once again. Get admitted to one of the most excellent and prestigious universities. No matter the hurdle I will face. Taking on the almost insurmountable challenge of becoming an aerospace engineer. Hoping to become an engineer that innovates beyond the seen limits of space exploration. Raise a happy  and healthy family that I would do anything for. And finally repay the debt I always had towards my parents.

References: Blogger: <http://www.blogger.com>, Aerospace Engineering- Ph.D. | Kent State University


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