A summit I shall overcome

Venturing out in my last years of Junior High school, it's still in the first quarter and it has already been a hassling start to the school year. Yet I had fun, various more activities that I have participated in living in the joyous moments along with others. Furthermore, in these beginnings, I have found the true extent of my abilities. Now brimming with confidence, I can now articulate my ideas much more properly during lectures now my voice can resonate with my thoughts. While also seeing my latent abilities such as swift comprehension, long-term and short-term, logical and analytical strengths to be getting better and better. Also, this slothful mindset of mine has now seem to be getting smaller, now being able to accomplish my tasks with ease. But, I still have much yet to learn. In not only my highschool years, but also throughout my whole school life, I always seemed to have an attitude towards my academics to be lazy. A mountain that I have kep...