
Showing posts from January, 2025

Metaphorsis: A Transition for Change

      Metamorphosis, a transition in habits and physical form of an animal after going through a phase of development and rebirth. The most well known example of this are caterpillars conversion to butterflies, marking change towards beauty and elegance. It's as if the animal has completely changed from one creature to another. Similarly, us humans, once we have reflected on our past and wanting to go through a process of tranformation. It is less of a biological but rather a psychological change to us people in which we attempt to correct and rectify our actions and habits over the years.Where we humans personally mature and develop. Yet our change from one form to another may not invoke gracefulness as compared to those of butterflies, where our effort to transform may not be so successful. However, I'd argue the beauty behind us humans own form of metamorphosis is the endeavour we take for it, while we may even fail in the process. Where the path to our personal victor...

Paradoxical reminiscence

  Christmas, Christmas is a time for cheer. But it's also a time for nostalgia to run our moods, where the memories of our once joyous and child-self start to overcome emotions. The repetitive years of a 2 week vacation has now began to distort my view on the holidays. During 3rd grade, I'd be immediately enthusiastic from just participating in our classroom Christmas Party. Moreover, when I was in elementary, I enjoyed watching cable TV, especially cartoons. And when December comes, there would be a broader amount of channels to choose from, I'd be even overjoyed from the thought of this. As I continue to age, the magic I once felt from previous decembers became more dull. Feelings of delight being able to celebrate the holidays with my family. Contrarily the grey and saddening atmosphere clings to me like vines, strangling me till I'm out of breath. It's like oil and water whirling round my brain, feelings converging, yet unable to co-exist. A paradox if you will....